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Fig. 1 | BMC Medicine

Fig. 1

From: Olfactory bulb anomalies in KBG syndrome mouse model and patients

Fig. 1

Gross morphological changes in postnatal Ankrd11nscKO OB. A Schematic of breeding scheme. Ankrd11fl/fl;RosaYFPSTOP/STOP females were mated with Ankrd11fl/fl;RosaYFPSTOP/STOP;NestinCreERT2 males. Pregnant dams were injected with tamoxifen (TMX) at E14.5. Resulting embryos (Ankrd11control and Ankrd11nscKO) were collected at E18.5 or allowed to be born with subsequent collection at P5-P30. Loss of Ankrd11 only occurred after TMX injection in embryos carrying NestinCreERT2 allele. B–I Representative images of Ankrd11control and Ankrd11nscKO OB at P5 (B), P10 (D), P15 (F), and P30 (H) that were injected with TMX at E14.5. Uninjected Ankrd11fl/fl and Ankrd11fl/fl;NestinCreERT2 control images have gray and pink borders in (I). Quantification of OB area of Ankrd11control and Ankrd11nscKO at P5 (C), P10 (E), P15 (G), and P30 (J). Gray and pink bars in J show P30 OB area from uninjected Ankrd11fl/fl and Ankrd11fl/fl;NestinCreERT2. Scale bar = 250 mm. K Quantitative RT-PCR for Ankrd11 mRNA in E15.5 cortical primary neurosphere cultures dissected from Ankrd11control and Ankrd11nscKO embryos that received TMX at E14.5. Data were normalized to Gapdh mRNA and calibrated against Ankrd11Control samples. Error bars represent SEM. n = 5–13 mice per genotype from at least 2 independent litters. Data were analyzed using unpaired t-test (C,E,G,K) or two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons post hoc test (J), ns not significant, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Ctrl control, E embryonic day, P postnatal day, TMX tamoxifen, YFP yellow fluorescent protein, OB olfactory bulb

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